Advantages of trauma therapy
نوشته شده توسط : spudgene

Advantages of trauma therapy

Trauma therapy can help you cope with a traumatic event and process your feelings and emotions. This can give an opportunity to see yourself and your problems from the outside and learn to cope with difficulties.


Reduce fear and avoidance

Trauma can instill fears and prompt you to avoid people, places, or things that remind you of the traumatic experience, which can make your life difficult. For example, a person involved in a car accident on the freeway may avoid driving on the freeway or be afraid to get into a car at all.


Improve your coping skills

Problems related to PTSD and trauma are supported by problematic beliefs such as "I can't handle this." Trauma therapy can help you gain the confidence and coping skills you need to function normally.


Win trust

Traumatic events can disrupt your sense of security and make it difficult to trust others.


With the help of therapy, someone who has developed the belief that "it's not safe to trust anyone" can learn to think: "Despite the fact that I was hurt in the past, most people are good and trustworthy, and it's okay to give people a chance."


Challenge questionable beliefs

Therapy can help to challenge the problematic stereotypes of thinking that you have formed in relation to yourself and the world around you in order to understand why a traumatic event occurred.


For example, someone who begins to believe, "I must be a bad person because bad things shouldn't happen to good people," may instead learn to think, "Sometimes bad things happen to good people who did nothing to cause them." this I'm still a good person, even if something bad happens to me."


Therapy can help disprove questionable beliefs, help you look at a traumatic experience in a new light, and reduce the intensity of trauma-related emotions, such as shame and guilt.


New horizons

People who have experienced trauma and who have been repeatedly told that their experiences, characteristics, or emotional reactions are unreasonable and unacceptable may suffer even more and develop chronic problems. She says that, as an example, it would be possible to accuse or insult verbally after revealing the trauma.


Therapy can help validate your experience and offer the understanding and acceptance needed to begin healing.



According to a 2018 study, there is substantial evidence that trauma-focused treatments such as DV, CRT, and CBT, which address memories, thoughts, and feelings associated with a traumatic event, can effectively treat PTSD.


A 2017 study found that veterans who participated in trauma management therapy experienced significant reductions in PTSD symptoms such as anger, guilt, depression, sleep problems, and social isolation. These benefits persisted even six months after the end of treatment.

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تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 27 مرداد 1403 | نظرات ()
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